Photobiomodulation for Anti-Aging

As one renowned researcher in the aging process, Dr. Ward Dean, once said, “Aging is the only disease that everyone gets.” Sure we will all age and die one day, but how soon and to what extent that happens is determined by several known factors. Preventing aging is just like preventing any disease. The advanced anti-aging program offered by RejuvaLight is for anyone who is willing to put in the effort earlier in life in order to save & reap the rewards later. This is a lifetime program based on an individualized program of proper diet, exercise, hormonal replacement, and supplements.

No surgery! No Downtime! No Pain! No Drugs! No Fad Diet! No Side Effects!

RejuvaLight is a non-invasive treatment that is pain free that doesn’t require recovery time, plus is natu- ral, safe, effective and FDA approved.

How does it work
RejuvaLight light therapy treatment of low intensity initiate analgesic, anti-inflammatory and biostimu- latory effects, resulting in an increase in local microcirculation and increased healing. Increasing microcirculation induces an essential function in the tissue repair process and in pain control. This process allows increases in oxygenation and nutritional supply to tissues. This process allows for the expulsion of metabolic byproducts, which may contribute to reduce pain and inflammation. Fur- thermore it stimulates repair and regrowth of nerve tissue.

Treatment times are short, normally 7 to 14 minutes, and minimum to no staff is required during the treatment, plus patients can continue with their daily activities immediately after treatment.

Safe: RejuvaLight treatment is with light only, a natural no cutting, non-invasive procedure. RejuvaLight is
Red Light Has Been Shown To Have These Clinical Benefits
Tissue Repair: Improved speed and quality of regeneration of skin, muscle, tendon, bone and nerves.
Inflammation: Resoulution of inflammation at least equal to NSAIDS but without side effects.
Oedema: Lymph nodes drain more lymph fluid.
Analgesia: Temporary (24 hours) reversible, inhibition of nerve conduction in small and medium diameter peripheral nerve fibres. High irradiance reduces ATP which in turn reduces fast axonal flow, and action potentials. Effects are like a neural blockade. All these effects are subject to wavelength, treatment time, irradiance, interval and maybe pulses.
There is a beam irradiance and total energy (Joules) threshold below which there is no effect, and there are limits beyond which cellular function may be temporarily inhibit- ed.
Muscle Performance: More Power, Less Fatigue, Raster Recovery
Stems Cells: Are activated by photon absorbtion by mitochondrial chromophores increasing electron transport, ATP synethis, and blood low which reults in increased tissue repair and healing

Target areas
Neck Pain Shoulder Injuries Back Pain
Tennis Elbow Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Low Back Pain Bursitis
Thigh Injury
Knee Injury
Calf Strain

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